My Best Friend
Alfi and Me |
She is one of my best friend. She is smart, friendly, and funny person. Her full name is Nuralfianti. Her nickname is Nuralfianti. She is 14 years old. She was born in Bekasi, 27 October 2000. She lives in West Bekasi. Her father works as Taxi Driver and her Mother works in drugstore. Alfi has a brother. Her brother name is Hardiman Nugroho.
Alfi school at Seven Junior High School. Now she is grade 9. She is verry good in academic and non academic. In academic She is verry ggod in math and sains. In non academic, she follow exctracullicular PMR on our school. She always follow the competition. She is so tallented.
Alfi has a round face. Her body so fat. She has a brown eyes. She has a long Hair and chubby cheek. She has a flat nose. The skin is brown.
Her favourite food is fride rice. Her hobby is reaading and eating. She likes Naruto cartoon. She has a picture of Naruto in her handpjone. Her idola is Afgan Syah Reza. She has some music of afgan on her handphone. And she has dreaming for watch Afgan consert someday.